Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day fun!

Hey y'all, Mommy let Daddy Jojo choose clothes for Milesy and style his hair, just because it's Father's Day!

Milesy wanted to look in the closet and check some things out

Miles seemed to like this one...

So that's what he'll wear!

"Now let's choose your outfit, Daddy"

Nice shirt.

Once we got to the C.F. (They don't sponsor the blog, so why should I mention them!) Miles and me had fun...

Miles had even more fun with Mommy

The video footage was right before Miles decided that if he can't have something to drink from a cup, nobody could...So he knocked it over! Oh, well... it was Father's day and that was MOMMY's drink! LOL

Anyhow, Miles shouted "Viva la Revolucion!" as we walked up and down Las Olas after lunch.

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